I was curious about the origin of the word "travel". It comes from "travailen", an old English word which comes from the old French "travail" which means "work, labor, toil, suffering or painful effort, trouble;...
Society, religion, consciousness
Half of communication happens inside another person’s head. Sometimes we express ourselves accurately, yet the other person perceives it to mean something entirely different. Other times, our listeners understand our words better than we do....
Recently one of my friends shared a video on facebook which pointed out the way society thinks of gender as binary -- there is only Male, or Female, and everybody must fit into exactly one of...
A couple of times recently I've helped volunteer at a needle exchange outreach program. Two of my friends who are involved invited me to join them. The goal is to build relationships with members of...
See part 1 for context. If we accept that everyone has strengths and weaknesses, it activates a new dimension of reflection and growth. We can look back on our own childhoods with the understanding that...